SWINGING The Power Bar on the screen is comprised of three sections, each a different color. The middle section of the Power Bar -- let's call it the Swing Zone -- is further divided into ten segments, each of which represents 10% of your club's potential distance (remember to press 8 to see the Club list and distances). Thus, the bottom line of the Swing Zone represents 0% or 0 distance; the top line represents 100%, or the maximum distance for each club as set by the computer; and the half line represents 50% or half that maximum distance. For example, If your driver has a maximum distance of 250 yards (at 100%), it will go approximately 125 yards if hit at 50%. A SAMPLE SHOT: You're standing on the tee of a 300-yard hole, so you take your Driver and you want to hit it full. A Driver means 250 yards in this game. You decide to hit it dead straight because that's the way the hole goes, and there's no offending wind or hazards. 1 Press the Space Bar to start your backswing; a color rises like mercury from the bottom of the Swing Zone towards the 100% line.